Welcome to our Scout Troop!

We would like to welcome you and your child to the 3rd South Shields Sea Scout Troop.   We are part of South Tyneside District Scouts and Durham Scout County.

Subs are £45 per term and are paid on line via Online Scout Manager. Find out more about OSM Here

Once your child has been in the pack for a few weeks we expect them to wear a uniform. They will complete a membership badge and be invested in to the scout movement with simple a ceremony to which parents will be invited.

We meet on Friday’s from 19:30 – 21:30 during the autumn and spring terms when a lot of our activities will be outside in the areas around the Sailing Club. The nights are dark and cold so please check the list of general equipment below. We are a Sea Scout Unit and every Friday during the summer term we meet from 18:00 – 21:00 to sail. Please check the lists of wet and sailing equipment below.


Scouts need:
Blue uniform shirt available on line at The Scout Shop, or from “Durham Scout Shop. See below for badge positions.

Red 3rd Scouts jumper – available from leaders for £15.00

Black school trousers

Black school shoes

Group neckerchief, woggle and lanyard, available from the leaders for £15.00

General Gear

Scouting is about being adventurous indoors and out so it is worthwhile making an investment in good quality:

Walking boots

Thick socks

Waterproof jacket

Head torch

Wooly hat


Wet Gear

As Sea Scouts you will spend a lot of time in and on the water. You will need:

Swimming costume


Fleece Jacket

Wooly hat

Old trainers that can get wet or wet suit boots.

Optional – rash vest and  pop socks (these really help getting wetsuit boots on and off!)

Sailing Equipment

Sailing equipment is available to borrow from the scout unit until you decide to stay with us and invest in your own equipment. When you get your own you will need:


Spray Cag

Bouyancy Aid

Sailing Boots

Sailing Gloves

These are widely available but if you go to Storrar Marine Ltd. and present your 3rd South Shields Necker you will receive a 10% discount.

There are many outdoor equipment suppliers in the North east but remember your 10% discount at Go Outdoors – get your voucher code when you create your my.scout account with Online Scout Manager.


The Scout Law:
  1. A Scout is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout is friendly and considerate.
  4. A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.
  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
  6. A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
  7. A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.
The Scout Motto:

Be Prepared

Click to download

Badge Positions.

Please note: at the 3rd we do not issue all these badges (joining in for example) to keeps costs down and target resources on FUN. But you WILL find all the badges we do issue on this diagram including the all important Royal Navy (RN) Recognition badge. Happy sewing!

More about Scout Badges